E-com Sales Tax

Washington State Sales Tax Update



Historically the State of Washington has been very aggressive when it comes to being audited for sales tax. Andy and Dan discuss new developments with what Washington is willing to do if you are under audit. Also, Andy and Dan discuss other changes in the states of New York and Indiana. Tune in to hear about these topics and more. What is Washington's new sales tax penalty policy? 01:40 How long will this be in affect? 03:15 What is Washington's penalty rate? 04:40 Will Washington reduce my penalties? 05:00 What is the average tax penalty within the states? 06:00 What does the recent letter from Amazon to their sellers say? 07:00 What is New York going after online sellers from 2014? 08:15 What VDA (Voluntary Disclosure Agreement) programs does Indiana have for online sellers? 16:25 eCommerce $77 eBook: https://peisner.clickfunnels.com/order-form18702870 Trustfile link for Accountants: https://app.trustfile.avalara.com/#/signup/accountant?partnersource=00130000002pRNR&Ca