Are You Being Present?

Episode 44 - Observing the Voice in Your Head with Presence



The Presence Projects presents episode 44 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series. After a brief respite, Paul Kerzner returns for another informative and important discussion that can have a tremendous impact on your ability to be (and stay) Present. The title and topic of this episode is "Observing the Voice in Your Head with Presence". Everyone, without question, has an ego that can potentially cause emotional pain and strife when left unguarded. Leaning how to be the observer of your thoughts/ego can promote a powerful shift in consciousness and was selected to help reduce self-inflicted suffering. If you, or someone you know, is tired of being the victim of their thoughts and emotions this podcast will prove to be relevant and powerfully enlightening. Please check out the rest of the "Are You Being Present?" podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube! Remember you have a choice. Choose to be present! Are You Being Present?