Are You Being Present?

Episode 25 - Maintaining Happiness With Presence Feat. Carolyn Berry



Guest host Carolyn Berry joins Paul Kerzner for episode 25 of the “Are You Being Present?” podcast series. The title and topic of this podcast is “Maintaining Happiness With Presence” and was selected because happiness is something everyone strives for in their own unique and subjective way.  Being happy in the present moment allows for life to flow freely and provides a sense of inner-peace and contentment. Carolyn is an energy healer and published author whose life has provided her with a wealth of significant and profound experiences in regards to happiness and presence.  Her book "I'm Happy. How Did I Get Here?", which is available on, is a wonderful and easy read where she provides her readers with her background, life transition and how she learned how to work with energy.  We highly recommend this book to anyone who is happy or seeking more happiness in life. During the podcast Paul expresses his views on happiness and presence that he believes are directly correlated.  He explains that we