Are You Being Present?

Episode 22 - Words That Affect Our Present Moment



The Presence Projects proudly presents episode 22 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  In this episode host Paul Kerzner spends time addressing an important topic that has great relevance and tremendous influence over our ability to live in the 'here and now'.   "Words That Affect Our Present Moment" is the title and topic of this podcast.  It was chosen because of the impact and significance words have on our lives.  Words create our reality, yet too many of us speak unconsciously, and at times, are neglectful with the words we use.  After working with hundreds of patients over the past few years Paul has observed that words are one of the greatest 'Presence Challenges' being faced by humanity.  It was with this observation that he saw the need to address, re-frame and revise the use of certain words to help people shift into the present moment. If you find it challenging to stay present we encourage you to look at the words you're using and how they are affecting your reality.  Please take some