Are You Being Present?

Episode 21 - Overcoming Adversity with Presence Feat. Tracy Fortune



The Presence Projects warmly welcomes guest host Tracy Fortune to the 21st episode of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  The title and topic for this podcast is "Overcoming Adversity with Presence."  It was selected to help bring attention to the importance of being present when facing life's many challenges.  Adversity is something that each person is faced with and has to overcome to grow, learn and prosper. We invited Tracy Fortune to be the guest host after she shared her life story with us, one that we found to be quite profound.  She has encountered many significant adversities and traumas in her life that were overcome with presence, patience and grace.   Opening up and sharing yourself with the world isn't easy, so we are deeply grateful that Tracy has allowed herself to be vulnerable on the podcast.  There are many people out there struggling to get through their own life challenges and we believe that listening to Tracy's story will prove to be inspirational, moving and motivating.  Her