Are You Being Present?

Episode 17 - Crying with Presence Feat. StevieAnne Petitt



The “Are You Being Present?” podcast welcomes back guest host StevieAnne Petitt who joins Paul Kerzner for another amazing episode.  The title and topic of this podcast is "Crying with Presence" and it delves into a subject that is relevant to everyone.  Paul felt compelled to discuss how crying can be used as a 'Presence Tool' after watching a video on Facebook of StevieAnne sharing her emotions and shedding some tears.  The act of crying, setting aside the thoughts or emotions that led up to it, can only be done in the present moment.   Paul and StevieAnne converse about how men and women view and experience crying much differently due to societal conditioning.  Women, by in large, allow themselves to cry more easily and find it to be a useful experience when dealing with a variety of emotions.  Men, typically, are raised to believe that crying is a weakness, one that shouldn't be expressed easily.  This is a challenge because crying, when appropriate, helps releases emotions and brings presence. One intere