Centauri Express Audio Magazine

Mac McKnight, Private Investigator



ARTC's Podcast Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast, your monthly source for free, original audio drama! This month: Size: 9.5M Duration: 20:25 This month we bring you Mac McKnight, Private Investigator: the Case of the Runaway Groom by Andrew Chiang and Dave Schroeder, performed live at Andrew and Catherine's wedding, June 9, 2012. Next live show... Liberty Con LibertyCon is upon us! If you're attending the convention, be sure to stop by the Centennial Theatre at 9:00pm on Saturday night to hear Live Free or Die: The Maple Syrup War by John Ringo, adapted for audio by Daniel Taylor! And don't forget the rest of our spectacular lineup! Rory Rammer, Space Marshal by Ron N. Butler Dr. Will Ward, Science Wizard by Dave Schroeder USO Christmas by Thomas E. Fuller July 20-22, 2012 Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel ARTC's show will be July 21st at 9-ish (CST: Convention Standard Time) August 31-September 3, 2012- Dragon*Con For Dragon*Con we'll have a brand new piece by Kelley S. Ceccato, author