Centauri Express Audio Magazine

All You Zombies... part 2 of 3



Untitled Document Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast, your monthly source for free, original audio drama! This month: Size: 8.2M Duration: 17:35 This month we bring you All You Zombies... by Robert A. Heinlein, adapted for audio by Victor Koman, performed live at the Heinlein Centennial Convention in Kansas City, MO, July 7, 2007. Next live show... Liberty Con ARTC returns to our favorite out-of-town venue for Liberty Con 25. We've had some of our best audiences get a sneak preview of future performances and have debuted many new works. What will we have in store this year? Come up to Chattanooga and find out! July 20-22, 2012 Chattanooga Choo-Choo Hotel ARTC's show is usually Saturday night You helped us pick our Spring 2013 show! Thanks to everyone who voted for the Spring 2013 show. The winner was... Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne! Check us out on your favorite social media! Follow ARTC on Twitter "Like" ARTC on Facebook Be our friend on YouT