Centauri Express Audio Magazine

The Game is Afoot! Episode One: The Phantom Chippendale



Untitled Document Size: 10M Duration: 22:05 Welcome again to the ARTC Podcast, your monthly source for free, original audio drama! Follow ARTC on Twitter "Like" ARTC on Facebook Be our friend on YouTube! This month we bring you episode one of Sketch MacQuinor's versatile series The Game is Afoot!: The Phantom Chippendale. It was performed live at the Academy Theatre's STEAM Fest, April 9, 2011. Versatile because it started as a puppet show, changed cast, then morphed into an audio drama, and may transform back at a moment's notice. Or less! You can also get a visual on this performance at our YouTube site so you can see what everybody is laughing about 10 or 11 minutes into the piece. We'd like to thank everyone who came out to see The Dancer in the Dark! We had a great time putting on a spectacular show and we're looking forward to our next season of live audio drama coming up soon! Stay tuned for the season announcement soon! For now we'll be taking some well-deserved time off to c