Freight Train Boogie Podcasts

Freight Train Boogie podcast #71



The new CD by ELIZABETH COOK entitled Welder is featured on podcast #71.  Also new music from LOST IMMIGRANTS, GUTHRIE KENNARD and SWEET SUNNY SOUTH.  The full playlist is posted below.  Check the artist's websites and order their CD's or downloads and tell 'em you heard the songs on the FTB podcast.  Please email me with any questions or suggestions for the podcasts. Here's the newly revised iTunes link to subscribe to the FTB podcasts. Here's the direct link to listen now! Show #71 ELIZABETH COOK - All The Time Welder SWEET SUNNY SOUTH - Ghost of Gram Carried off by a Twister JOHN EVANS - First Love Lollygaggin' LOST IMMIGRANTS -  Goodbye Seoul Pasaporte (mic break) SAM QUINN - Suite Motown the fake that sunk a thousand ships PACKWAY HANDLE BAND - Walking Disaster What Are We Gonna Do Now HORSE OPERA - Save My Tears Songs Of The Desert ELIZABETH COOK - I'll Never Know Welder (mic break) JANGLE PETE - Hanna Glimpses GREAT AMERICAN TAXI - Unpromised Land Reckless