Better Biz Academy Podcast

Using SEO to Build Your Freelance Website - EP 116



Are you stumped on the idea of using SEO to build your freelance website? In this episode, my guest Jason Berkotwiz, SEO expert and Founder & SEO Director of Break The Web, shares about SEO for your website, providing SEO services, having an agency, and using virtual assistants to stay on track with day-to-day tasks. You’ll hear how to utilize SEO for your website to get more traffic, leads, and make more sales.  Jason shares how to learn about SEO for free and the importance of using your testing your own strategies and using the results as case studies to land clients. We discuss why you should consider offering multiple niches to protect yourself during times of variations in the market and the benefits of having and agency.  Tune in to hear how you can make more money by offering your services as a strategist rather than just doing the tasks. Here are some things we covered in this episode: SEO tips for building your freelance service’s website Getting more traffic, leads, and sales Why you should co