Comic Adventures

25. The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins



The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins is finally available in sweet, sweet paperback! We laughed, we cried, we did a fantastic Magic Brian impression.    Other things we talk about: Melissa's Long Ass List is at the bottom of the notes Libby (by Overdrive) My Brother, My Brother, and Me  The Adventure Zone (the podcast) TAZ Animated TAZ Zine Tess Stone's rad comic Sluggy Freelance   We're giving away a copy of the book!  We have an extra copy of the TAZ graphic novel, so we’re doing a giveaway. If you’re in the US (because international shipping is killer) and want a chance to win, email us at with the subject line 'TAZ Giveaway' and include a sentence or two about your favorite comic. (or your favorite TAZ character, if you don’t have a favorite comic). If you're cool with reading your recommendation on the air, let us know! The contest lasts until the end of August - we’ll draw a name on August 31st.   Find us online at: (M