Bombast Podcast

Episode 19 -"John Porcellino Cartoonist Interview"



This is a pretty mellow show, but I think it's a good one.  John Porcellino is the cartoonist between the long-running King-Cat mincomic series, and many collections and other books. One of them that Phil and I (Matt) recently read is Perfect Example, a true-life high school story, that has been described as a coming-of-age story which reads like a "goodbye to the familiar Road trips, drunken concerts, and late-night make-out sessions."  According to cartoonist Chris Ware, "John Porcellino's comics distill, in just a few lines and words, the feeling of simply being alive." We caught up with John Porcellino before he went to SPX, one of the mainstays on the indie comics convention calendar.  Phil and I talk with John P. about self-publishing, what he gained from his art school experience at NIU, the difference between the early days of alternative comics (the 80/90s) and now.  We also talk about doing comics for the love of it, and learning from the artwork (it really applies to writing, drawing, and music, as