Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Living a Life of Ease (And How to Get There)



Wow, 201 episodes in, and this is a day to celebrate! 4 years ago today, the Mama Says Namaste podcast was created. 5 years ago today, Mama Says Namaste was officially launched as a business. And 40 years ago today, I was born!  In this episode we look back over the last decade and the crazy shifts we made to get to where we are at this point. Not only do we share more about the mindset and actual shifts in our own lives, but we lay the four essential steps we chose to take to get there.  This episode is truly in response to the many questions we got in this week from our "lessons learned" episode 200! Remember you can always go to to see the latest blog post that goes along with each episode. If these are resonating with you, my birthday request is that you spread the love and share it with someone else. We speak our hearts each week to give any inspiration and insight we can to help others create the joy in their lives that we are so glad to experience. It's not pure luck. It's very focu