Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Family VIPs and the Power of Teachability (Season 3, Episode 24)



Welcome to Season Three on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast.  In this series, my husband Nathan and I focus on how to clear the clutter not just from your home, but also your head and your heart to create that space for clarity and connection. Join me and dive in to "The Minimalist To-Do List!”   Family Ah, here is where the riches lie – it’s all about the family, right?  And, if you have children – especially young ones – you know they can suck every bit of life and energy out of you.  It can be hard enough to keep things straight with one person – add in a family members and this is beyond a full-time job, and it can be super intense.  How do you set aside time to enjoy family when you can’t take a breath from working just to support the family?  (Working from home can be a bit overrated – have you heard about the myth of multitasking?)  How can you take the time to play and cuddle – you have to keep the family afloat! Simply put, how can you not?  The people under your roof – the ones you have chosen to be in