Mama Says Namaste Podcast

New Season! "The Minimalist To-Do List" - Is "Home" In Your Heart Or Your House?



Welcome to Season Three on the Mama Says Namaste Podcast.  In this series, we will focus on how to clear the clutter not just from your home, but also your head and your heart to create that space for clarity and connection. Join me and dive in to "The Minimalist To-Do List!"   “Home isn’t about the place where you are born.  It’s about the place where you find yourself.”  Pico Iyer   Full Time Families - Learn more about this group and how to get connected here:  Where were we?  Mattawa, Canada, at Sid Turcotte Park:   What is home?  Clara’s answer:   “Home is where you fill an invisible river of love, filled with adventures and salamanders, and even though it’s stormy, you feel safe.  The lightening is like a fire with marshmallows and the thunder is like singing in the rain.  Home.  It’s the place where your story begins, right?  It’s not a house or simply where you lay your head.  Home is something so much more. H