The Happiness Mama Podcast With Heather Ash

Raising Our Children, Growing Ourselves with Casey O'Roarty, Episode 12



My guest for episode 12 of the Happiness Mama Podcast is Casey O’Roarty of Casey is a mama, blogger, podcaster, parent educator, and coach. I love the tagline of Joyful Courage, which is “raising our children while growing ourselves.” Before our conversation, I knew we had a lot in common, but wow! We are both former school teachers, both have done positive discipline training, both started blogging and then podcasting, both do coaching, both love mindfulness and personal growth, and we also both love the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon! Wow! Talk about “sisters from another mister!” (Ha ha! I learned that one from Casey.) I loved hearing about her journey from being a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in the mountains (really!) to becoming a positive discipline parent educator, and then starting and growing her online business while also growing her family. We talked about so many topics related to being a mindful mama while also filling our own cups and growing ourselves as people, and