The Happiness Mama Podcast With Heather Ash

On Staying Present and Happy with Camaron Brooks, Episode 7



Highlights of Our Conversation: Why and how Camaron wrote and published her book with two very young children The “inherent loneliness” of motherhood Enjoy the phase you’re in… The need to be in the moment as a mother Motherhood is a huge learning experience Our legacy of love The importance of reflection and connection Tuning in to “natural sound”: anchors that help us get back to the present Moving towards love Striving: Good vs Bad Accepting our past The importance of little victories for our children How we judge ourselves Why self-care matters High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), walking, and having fun The importance of play The power of small steps in creating change Some advice for new mamas Quotes from This Episode by Camaron Brooks: “My identity as a person really kind of exploded when I became a mom, and I didn’t know who I was and I think that’s because I had a false sense of identity based on career and a lot of other things. But motherhood kind of cracked that all open. We all go through