The Happiness Mama Podcast With Heather Ash

Flash Fiction, Podcasting, and the Productive Struggle with Kris Baker Dersch, Episode 5



Highlights of Our Conversation: Favorite children’s books and authors How she got into writing when her son was a year old What exactly is flash fiction? Her inspiration to start her podcast Her experiences with NaNoWriMo The great thing about being the editor of your own podcast Her Christmas serial in December, a fanciful trip to the North Pole at Christmas How and why she podcasts while having a toddler Keeps her energy up for the things she has to do “Writing time” for our kids Starting out part time… “You kind of wake up one morning and realize you’re running out of somedays, and if you’re gonna do this, you might as well start now.” Ira Glass on creativity… Doing the work to get better Permission to suck, practicing for the time we won’t suck What a Native American basket weaver told her that she’s never forgotten The value of “productive struggle” and why it’s good to make mistakes How are culture is hard on moms Starting a blog or podcast when others don’t totally get it “You can’t get discourage