Ladywatch With Ryan & Jason

Ep. 162: Go To Hell



On this week's LadyWatch agenda: Ryan and Jason herald the 3rd Annual Bentonville Film Festival and all the Lady surprises that Geena Davis has in store for this year, plus updates on Cher's mother's heath and Doris Day's birthdate, the plot activism of the final of scene of "Big Little Lies", Annette Bening's Oscar Governor panic room, a spoken word poem about Maxine Waters from Sharon Stone that no one asked for, Lorna Luft's close call with a fan's sweater, Melanie Griffith on plastic surgery and a privileged gypsy life, Chita Rivera taps out Fred Astaire, Hurricane Patti LaBelle is BACK on the press circuit, Jane Goodall vs Dian Fossey and which one was in "Out of Africa", and much much more!