Investor In The Family Radio

119 Barron's - Should You Be Nervous?



Podcast Overview: S&P, Dow, Nasdaq, Russell all at record highs last week BofA Merrill Lynch survey of global fund managers: Expect global real economy to strengthen over next 12 months: In october 19% agreed with this, after election 35% do Global inflation expectations vaulted to the highest level since 2004 Is all this optimism as sign the bull market will continue or that we’ve reached peak? Are current stock market gains stealing from 2017? Goldman Sachs strategist expects Trump tax reforms to lead to the repatriation of $200B Could be used to pay down raising company debt levels Nonfinancial companies are sitting on $1.6T in cash (12% of assets as opposed to avg of 7%) Goldman expects companies to spend $2.6T of cash in 2017 52% on capital exp, R&D, and mergers 48% on buybacks and dividends Small cap stocks that could benefit from infrastructure spending are stealing attention from multinationals that could be hit by strong dollar Market is behaving like Trump will fulfill promises