Navitas Podcast

S1E6 Dr.Paul White



In today’s episode we will be welcoming back Dr. Paul White. There are times when you’re having a conversation with somebody that it feels like the world just slows down and you really understand that you’re being given the opportunity to obtain some wisdom that’s really special.  I feel like in today’s episode you’re going to have one of those moments. There’s no greater challenge for a family than parenting in today’s world and Paul is going to share with us some concepts that while they are simple in nature they are profound in their application and I really think you’ll benefit greatly from what he’s going to share with us. Paul White is a psychologist, speaker, consultant and author whose passion is “making work relationships work.” For over 20 years, he has assisted businesses, government agencies, schools and non-profit agencies: improve staff morale and create positive work environments learn how to communicate individualized authentic appreciation among team members reduce the sarcasm, cynicism and