X Marks The Spot

we don't fit // ep. 2



di·chot·o·my⁠ /dīˈkädəmē/⁠ noun⁠ ⁠ a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.⁠ ⁠ "we don't fit" is a mix series where I explore the struggle of wanting something but having to do the opposite ⁠ ⁠ In episode 2 I explore how it feels to be trapped in my room. In the start, it's calm and understanding where I get to spend time exploring the new introverted side of me. But then it evolves into frustration which fuels anger. Finally a glimpse of hope and excitement for a better future ⁠ Like the Mix? Click the [Repost] ↻ button so more people can hear it! Follow me on Soundcloud: @crimsen Follow me on Spotify: bit.ly/crimsenmusic Follow Crimsen: Instagram: instagram.com/crimsenmusic Facebook: facebook.com/crimsenmusic Twitter: twitter.com/crimsenmusic