V12 Bat

Real Estate Investing For Beginners



You would want to start with a single family residential unit. A two or three bedroom single family house as opposed to a multi family property something like a duplex or triplex. This way you avoid the overhead of dealing with multiple units and keep things simple as you learn. You should also avoid commercial properties as your first step as they usually require more complicated financing methods and are just more involve more things to learn and are not a great way to get started. The reason you should focus on a single family house is simple, there is only one tenant you have to deal with so when things inevitably break you only need to deal with that one tenant. There is less paperwork involved and trust me there is a lot of paperwork to deal with even with one property so you want to minimize that as you are getting started and learning the major pitfalls. You will make mistakes in a fact, there is no avoiding the goal should to be lessen the impact of those mistakes as you get started so that why you