Juhtimisblogi "juhtimiskvaliteet On Konkurentsieelis"

Yrjö Ojasaar: grit is the number one character trait to lead a successful start-up venture



My guest in this episode of the podcast “Leadership is the Competitive Advantage” is an investment partner (Change Ventures) Yrjö Ojasaar who has been active in the start-up investment scene already for a decade. He consults technology ventures by finding leadership, advisors and financing for startup technology companies. Yrjö has advised with venture capital fundraising and negotiated many successful investments, including for companies like Fortumo, Pipedrive, Tahe Outdoors and others. He is also a coach and a mentor at various international accelerators and incubators, including European Innovation Academy (FRA), Startup Wiseguys (EST), Estonian Development Fund (EST). Yrjö sits on advisory and supervisory boards of several organisations, i.e. at the Prototron Fund. He is often lecturing at universities on topics involving entrepreneurship, strategic growth strategies, financing, etc. It was very interesting to exchange ideas with him about the grit, execution, vision, leadership, failures and many other