Juhtimisblogi "juhtimiskvaliteet On Konkurentsieelis"

Patty McCord: stop treating people like children, start recognizing that they are responsible adults



On this episode of “Leadership is a Competitive Advantage” I have the former chief talent officer at Netflix – Patty McCord – on the line to talk about her book “Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility.” (The book is shortly going to be published in Estonian – “Jõud: kuidas luua vabadusest ja vastutusest kantud töökultuuri” – as well.) During her 14-year tenure at Netflix, Patty found that people are far more engaged and productive when trusted and treated as responsible adults. As the “COO of Culture” at Netflix (this is how she actually calls herself), Patty was the driving force behind the company’s famous “culture deck” that outlines an operating principle based on high-performing employees who behave and reason like responsible adults. Tune in to find out how to create a culture of high performance in an organization. And – for those of you interested in getting more of Patty – I am really glad that Patty will join us at the Estonian Human Resource Management Association's annual confe