Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 111: Stacy Owen Johnston on The Pursuit of Happiness and Finding Your Authentic Self



Joining me today in this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Stacy Owen Johnston, CEO of EnlightenUp.Stacy is a personal development coach and trainer for individuals or groups and a conversational public speaker. Although she grew up and thrived as a dancer, Stacy took a pivot and worked for the state where she has served as a Family Services Specialist. She has been an entrepreneur for 40 years and has spent much time building businesses and helping people uncover their authentic selves.Stacy shares that the energy you put out can significantly impact the people around you and your business. And while there are times where we put our customers first (especially if they are high-paying clients), managers should always put their employees first because this helps encourage and motivate them.She continues that all of us have our beat that we dance to, and we should learn how to find it instead of following others, don’t live and work for the dreams of your parents or other people because only you