Mads Singers Management Podcast

MSMP 109: Andrea Overend on Building Teams and Hiring the Right People



Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Andrea Overend, founder and owner of Globetrot Pro and Dream Vacations Cruise and Land Vacations travel agency.Andrea had an early start on entrepreneurship and has had many ventures since then, including her restaurant and travel agency.Now, unlike most travel agency owners, Andrea thrived during the pandemic despite being caught up in confusion when the lockdowns all over the world started. Even though some travel plans were postponed, the experience made Andrea realize the importance of having her team around to help the business stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.Andrea had an early start with team building. With her experience in the military, this became a natural thing for her because many teams surrounded her during her stay there; eventually, Andrea slowly branched out to other circles like her church group when she returned to civilian life. Unlike many business owners who tend to hire directly, Andrea likes to build up her staff and e