Words With Nerds

Black Christmas Matters



NUMBER ONE IN PRISON CAMPS! Join Craig and John once again for the podcast 100% guaranteed to be banned in China! They dance around the sensitive issues better than an NBA manager’s twitter account, and avoid giving their account information to bots so they can buy LeBron James’ latest shoes. They discuss the important 1974 genre defining flick Black Christmas featuring Margot Kidder, Olivia Hussey, John Saxon, and Kier Dullea — among others! - and agree that it’s a better Shocktober choice than last week’s The Boy. Then they share what else they checked out, like El Camlno, Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Out of Print, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and…well, that’s really it. Next week’s assignment is James Wan’s Insidious, so watch it and join in the Shocktober fun! Also send them a note at WWNPodcast@gmail.com.