Crushing Classical

Robert Franz: Tapping Into Creativity That Sets You Apart In The Marketplace



What you'll hear:  - Creating a digital concert series - what that looks like and how his orchestra is making it a complete experience - Robert's take on being an assistant conductor... and how it can be a special position in it's own right, not just a stepping-stone - What it was like to conduct the Cleveland Orchestra in a duck costume (yes you read that right!) - How to build a following around something YOU created and what that can do for your future opportunities Find out more about Robert's activities HERE Subscribe to Robert's YouTube Channel and share his childrens' music videos with the kids in your life: Online Empire Blueprint starts OCTOBER 14th! Don't miss this round of the program... this is the last round of my group program in 2020. Start 2021 off right by building your audience and creating new powerful income streams. Book your discovery call HERE