Crushing Classical

Nathan Cole: Making A Bigger Impact On Students AND Your Income: Designing A NEW Way To Teach For 2020 And Beyond



What you'll hear: The benefit of being an *early adopter* Audience research… how Nathan adjusted to suit what he discovered while growing his audience What it looks like to be CHOOSY in your career - the fear most people feel and how it really works The power of getting a coach for your business - something that’s *really* different from having a private teacher for your instrument Zeroing on the exact student you’d like to teach - and how that impacts your business The power of the group camaraderie and support when you join (or create) an online coaching program How to deal with “competition” when you start doing work online And so much more! For more information about Nathan and his course, The Virtuoso Mastercourse, go to Mentioned in the show: Jennifer Rosenfeld, coach for musicians: SIGN UP for the Crushing Classical mailing list for exclusive audience building tips and podcast updates! Sign up now and receive the free PDF d