Crushing Classical

Heather Malyuk: Learning To Be Proactive About Your Hearing As A Musician



What you'll hear: The one thing you need to know about musicians’ hearing health How to find the RIGHT audiologist as a musician - specific for musicians’ needs Things you NEED to tell an audiologist when you go to an appointment - I never would have known this! What to do if you get a negative hearing diagnosis - first step, don’t freak out! Hear what to do after that! Things you can do in your surroundings to protect your hearing - this is a must-hear! The surprising advice about how to adjust to earplugs - I never thought of this, but it’s pretty obvious! New technology coming down the pike for ear protection - this one is amazing! And much more! For more information about Heather and her work and to find her for your own hearing health: To book a call to learn more about The Visibility Workshop: For my FREE PDF download, Three Ways Becoming Visible Can Revolutionize Your Career: