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Examples of Serious Games for Online Facilitators



What are specific examples of serious games for online trainings? What are good check-ins, energizers and "main dish" serious games? All games have been tested in their digital version by us and we definitely recommend them.  1) Great Check-in game: show a picture about // emojii check-in / check-out (a small step for them) Marius' Check-in Game: Draw a battery on the whiteboard & let all participants draw a line into the battery indicating how much energy they have today / right now / this morning.  As a "respectable" game to transport a topic / learning: Consider the "Change Game" Step 1) Tell all participants to turn their camera off Step 2) Give them ~20 sec. to change "something (up to 3 aspects) in your scene / about your appearance" Have them turn their camera on: Ask the group: “What changes can you spot with the others? After two or three rounds, some learners will notice how they find it harder to introduce change, some find it easier. Debrief with emotional questions or other question type