Pathways To Wealth With Chris Dunn

PTW 031: Stop Chasing Success & Start Living It



I get dozens of emails every day asking for advice - How do I build a business? How do I make money and travel? How can I learn to trade? How do I invest in real estate? These are all great questions, but sometimes I can tell the person's focus is on the wrong place - getting the money. Some people think that if they can get more money, they'll be happier... Maybe you've caught yourself saying something like, "I'd be happy if I could just win that damn lottery." That was the thought process of millions of Americans that flocked to buy lottery tickets and drive the jackpot to a record high of $1.5 billion. People were spending insane amounts of money hoping and praying they'd beat the 1 in 292 million odds. But the truth is very few people could handle a windfall of millions of dollars... After all, 70% of lottery winners go broke within 7 years.