Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

016: BuzzFeed, Victoria's Secret, and the skinny on bathing suits. Be inspired by the chat about body acceptance.



What do Buzzfeed and Victoria's Secret have in common?  Brilliant women who want to change how women view themselves.  Listen to Lara Parker and Kirsten King share how their article came to fruition, what it was like to be a model for a day, and how they want to impact other women who read it.  We also cover why this isn't an us vs. them piece, which really is critical to being supportive women. It's not enough, though, to read the article and listen to the episode.  Something has to happen as a result.  Find ways to appreciate who you are.  Let your guard down when you are at the pool or beach.  And know that there is no one perfect body type, except the one you are walking around in.   Click HERE to read the Buzzfeed article. More about Fit Mom Revolution: Join our closed Facebook group for safe discussions about body image Read more on our site Visit our Facebook fan page   Love this podcast?  Please leave a review and share with friends!