Love Your Bodcast: Diet, Exercise, And Mindset Are Only Part Of Your Healthy Lifestyle.

005: Avoid THIS mistake when loving your body



I’ve got some startling news for you:  Losing weight won’t make you love your body. The time you spend counting calories, logging gym hours, and turning down foods you love will be wasted, lost, forgotten.  All the effort will be for naught because reaching a magic number on the scale or the perfect size jeans won’t bring you the satisfaction you crave.  It only leaves you feeling empty and with the bitter taste of regret in your mouth.  Regret for the minutes, hours, months you wasted stressing out about what went into your mouth and how it affected your hips.  And the only thought left in your mind will be, “What the hell?  I thought losing weight would help me feel better!  I still don’t like what I see.  What now?” Listen to the episode to understand WHY it's a mistake to "wait until" to love our bodies.  I also share 5 tips to start feeling better in your skin today.   Referenced in the episode (click to link): Julie Stubblefield Fit Mom Revolution Love Your Body Challenge Come play on Facebook! Do you h