

My clients and students all say they have different reasons for working with me: they want to get stronger, they want to shed fat, they want to be able to keep up with their kids or grandkids etc. But really… They all want the same thing, more confidence. Confidence that they will keep the promises they make to themselves. Confidence to move through the world in a way that feels honest and true to them. Confidence to take on the things that have been on their heart for years Confidence to trust their own knowing and make decisions for themselves. Confidence is the REAL byproduct of the skills and strategies I teach women and, in this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I am going to teach you the pathway for developing more of it too. Have a listen! And please share it with a woman who could benefit from the message. You can listen here: **** Looking for more support?  Join me in the Rumble & Rise arena at **** Are you lovi