

So often we embark on a change process because we get a hit of motivation so strong we feel compelled to take action… for a while. A few days, weeks or months pass, and, well…you know the drill… the spark that ignited our action starts to flicker out and resistance starts to rear her ugly head. We start descending the slippery slope of compromise and negotiation because we often fail to feed the motivational fire. As a coach, I can give my clients tools to uncover the driving force behind their desire to change. I can educate them. I can support them. I can even toss them crumbs of inspiration. What I can’t do, I have learned after many years, is motivate them, because motivation is their work not mine. Motivation is an inside job. In this episode of the Grace & Grit podcast, I go a bit deeper into why I believe motivation is an inside job and deliver a few strategies that may help you to fuel your own motivational fire. >>Are you loving the Grace & Grit Podcast? Help us keep the mic on! Then head ove