Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 066: Raising Young Girls to Become Empowered Women



Preparing for an upcoming podcast guest, I was horrified by the numbers surrounding eating disorders and disordered eating within the US. Having worked with women for nearly two decades to better their relationship with their body, I knew there was a problem, but the statistics I came across broke my heart. We have a problem with how women perceive their bodies and the crazy things they do in an attempt to keep themselves small. If we are going to change the conversation around what it means to be a healthy woman, we must be having conversations around how to influence our girls to extend respect to their body for the RIGHT reasons. Do the young women in your life a favor and listen to this podcast episode about eating disorders and what we can do to prevent them. Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so the Grace and Grit message can spread to more women who need to hear it. Looking for more Grace & Grit? Visit