

Man, I have worked with a ton of clients over the years who want to elevate the state of their health without honoring their body’s need for adequate restoration and recovery. And it simply doesn’t work…ever. Recovery should NOT be underestimated when it comes to improving the health of your body. If you are expecting more from your body (more energy, more strength, more endurance, more performance, more fat loss, more muscle) you are going to have to RESPECT the fact that your body will need MORE rest. Remember you are in a RELATIONSHIP with your body, not a dictatorship. You have to GIVE in order to GET. If you are training hard and eating well, but neglecting to give your body the downtime it needs and deserves, don’t be surprised if you are lacking in the “progress” department. Episode 57 of the Grace & Grit Podcast is all about Recovering Like a Boss, so can reap the benefits of your hard work more quickly. Click the link to listen now! Loving this podcast? Head over to iTunes and leave a review so t