Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 055: Awareness: The Root of Transformation



The longer I am in the profession of helping women to improve their health, the more I am convinced that improving health boils down to awareness and consistency. Before we can change anything about our health, we must be aware of the things we are doing to either nourish or deplete our health. But honestly we are living in such a frenetic time, most women are so busy, they are reacting to life with habits that don’t serve their health rather than choosing to respond to life in a healthy fashion. We absolutely must slow down to become more aware and be able to focus. And there are lots of buzz words linked to awareness: mindfulness, consciousness, being present, staying awake. Whatever you want to call the practice of becoming more aware…awareness is the linchpin to improving our health. And to help us better understand this topic of staying more present in our lives, I have invited back to the Grace & Grit Podcast my dear friend, Mary O’Malley. Listen now and find out more about Mary here. Loving this po