Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 046: Finding the Courage to Transform Your Life w/ Kate Courageous



A lot of women this time of year are starting to think about how they are going to address their health concerns in 2017. Get ready because everywhere you look for the next several weeks, you are going to see ads for diets and exercise programs promising to help you reach your goals in the quickest way possible with the least amount of effort. Wouldn't it be nice if getting healthy was as simple as just addressing food and exercise? But it's not. Food and exercise are slivers of the health pie, but they do not, by any means, complete it. Sometimes the very thing that is standing in the way of a woman doing what needs to be done to reclaim her health and happiness is the very thing she is most terrified of addressing: A broken marriage A job she has hated for 20 years. An unanswered calling on her life. Beliefs that no longer serve the life she wants to live. These are often the mountains standing in the way of true health, and none of these mountains can be conquered with clean food and a better strength pr