Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 045: Thank Your Way Back to Health



When was the last time you were grateful for the miracle that is your body? Most women I work with are at war with their body, and I think in large part that is a direct result of the way they are talking to themselves about their body. You have heard me say this before: RESPECT BREEDS HEALTH. And when you go out of your way to be grateful for all of the things your body is doing right, you are a heck of a lot more likely to treat your body in a loving and respectful way. Along these same lines, women are often telling themselves how hard it is to get healthy, rather than focusing on what a privilege it is to care for themselves in a healthy way. What a luxury that you are able to choose high-quality foods, make time to exercise and drink clean water. For many people in the world, these things are simply not an option. You are living at a time when you have a choice in the level of care you administer to your body. How awesome is that? What a privilege that truly is! If you want to improve your health, start