Grace & Grit Podcast: Helping Women Everywhere Live Happier, Healthier And More Fit Lives

Episode 007: The One Thing You Cannot Ignore When Trying to Get Healthy.



Your gut health has been referred to as the second brain! In this interview with holistic nutritionist, Laini Gray, we discuss how important gut health is, and how you can fortify yours. Notes: About Laini Gray: Laini Gray has been in the business of fitness, food and fun for over 20 years. She began her career with a focus on FUN and earned a Bachelor’s of Science in the field of recreation, where she whole heartedly adopted the concepts of play and recreation as vitally important to creating a happy and healthy life. With these ideals, she turned her attention to learning how to further improve the quality of life and health through fitness. Her passion for helping others achieve health and well-being continued to grow, as did her interest in learning all she could about FOOD, optimal nutrition, digestion, detoxification, immunity, hormone balance, disease prevention and stress management. This desire to continue her education inspired her to become a certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Functional Diagnosti