Comics Talk Comics

Issue 59: Star Wars #8 (1977)



A new issue of Comics Talk Comics is ready...kind of? This week we are coming back to Marvel's 1970's Star Wars comics. Also, it's worth mentioning that we've been sitting on this one for a while because the last half of the podcast went missing. We're sorry. Also, this was one of the first on the new rig, which is now almost a year ago, so we were still working on learning the new mics. Again, sorry. Also, we really didn't get our names or the podcast in the intro because we ended up bullshitting for about an hour before doing the podcast (during the longest sound-check ever), so our names appear over an hour later. So...sorry? Host Daniel Brown, Co-host Norm de Plume, Special Guest* Matt Moseley, and other guest Jason Switzer meet up to discuss Star Wars #8, which is basically The Seven Star Warsai. Only, since the last half is missing, we end up doing a lot of banter about Star Wars vs. Star Trek after the "bowwww....babowbowbowbowbooowwwww..." part of the podcast.   *Editor's Note: Due to this taking plac