Comics Talk Comics

Issue 37: Enimem and The Punisher



Daniel Brown, Norm de Plume, and Special Guest Matt Moseley have decided to LOSE THEMSELVES in the lore of The Punisher and, no, no, no, no! We promise! We're funny! Don't exit out of this! Don't close the window! We only make Eminem song references, like, five times in the whole podcast! In this particular comic we delve into the lore of Punisher Max, talk about the realities of Marshall Mathers against the Punisher, and a plethora of other super hero vs. musician comic books that we want created. Also, apologies, but one of the podcast members was pre-graming the football game (that was before the podcast), had to be DD'd to the podcast, and occasionally hits the table throughout the podcast while watching the game. You can't really blame them because the Dallas Cowboys aren't doing so hot this year but, I mean, of course. gmail - reddit - comicstalkcomics facebook - Comics Talk Comics Facebook Page