Comics Talk Comics

Issue 16: NFL SuperPro #9 and #10



NFL SuperPro continues to impress the group. We enjoyed the second issue so much that we managed to stay on topic and not run off into too many strange tangents. Though, truth be told, Daniel Brown has to get an argument in that Scar, of Lion King fame, was Disney's first gay villain. "Dude likes dude lions." He's joined by Norm de Plume and Matt Moseley in another outing. This also marks the first time that all members of the podcast reveal on of the most intimiate details any man could: Their favorite sauce to put on food. We're only 2 episodes from ending our favorite bad comic book ever, so if you're joining us for the first time then kick up, live, laugh, love, and (most importantly) drink! Reddit/CBR - comicstalkcomics Twitter (we really should be more active) - comstalkcomics Email -