Comics Talk Comics

Issue 12: The Death of Superman 1(of 3)



Finally, Comics Talk Comics has come back to where we began. If you've been following us since the first release you know that we sometimes speak of a lost episode. One whose audio was destroyed by background noise and the fact that all the people on it got too drunk to make coherent arguments. No more! We are making one more go of the original comic book that brought us (and this podcast) together: The Death of Superman. Norm de Plume and Daniel Brown were discussing comic books one day and TSoS came up; we do our best to recreate that discussion, which basically amounts to "No sir. We don't like it." Joining us is Special Guest Matt Moseley, who also shares simliar feelings. The cold opening of the episode about the pitch meeting was created on the spot by him, but we at Comics Talk Comics are about 75% that's how it went down. Come listen to us talk about the beloved comic book that is so bad that we felt a podcast was neccesary to share with the entire world. As always, you can reach us at the following: