Comics Talk Comics

Issue 11: Superman's Girl Friend (Maybe?) Lois Lane #10.1



Happy New Year loyal listeners! We at Comics Talk Comics decided to start the new year off with the right way: By going back in time to 1959. Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane is a comic book series that was created by 1950's, fighting-the-Russians, bringing-to-work-a-metal-lunch-box, belt-your-kids, don't-let-those-people-move-into-the-neighborhood, drink-whiskey-at-work, drive-a-car-made-out-of-steel, men. Oh, and the series is about a woman. Daniel Brown, special guest Sid Kuhn, and Special Guest Matt Moseley discuss just what this comic is about (we don't agree with it), who is it for (we don't know), and how insane this would be if it were printed today (quite). Also, due to getting very sidetracked during our first break we end up doing only the first portion of the comic book. Stick around after the "bow...bow-wow-wow-wow-wow-woooooow" at the end credits to hear us all weigh in on our WWE Royal Rumble 2015 picks. Apologies to non-wrestling fans, but Norm de Plume wasn't here this week to reign in our i