
002 - Makers



Adam Savage and the and his 10 Commandments for Makers, PEM's Maker Lounge, Strandbeests! Are you a Maker? Do you know what a Maker is? On this episode, Dinah and Chip discuss Adam Savage's "Rules of Making" with Edie Schimel, who heads up the PEM Maker Lounge. Then, PEM's Curator of the Present Tense, Trevor Smith, talks about PEM's upcoming exhibition featuring Maker-extraordinaire Theo Jansen and his Strandbeests. Music - "Understand That This is a Dream" by Forrest James Photo - Theo Jansen's tiny Strandbeest. (Some assembly required) If you want to watch Adam Savage's complete keynote speech at Maker Faire 2014, you can find it at